Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blog post for Jan 31.

Well I went and listened to some podcast. This not the first time I have listened to podcast so it did not excite me all that much. I do however love the idea of podcasting. My friend and I have been talking about doing a podcast for a long time. And now that i have my new mac it will be so much easier to do.
The podcast I listen to where about videocasting and I listened to a few of the mac weekly ones. Nothing to exciting. But i like the fact that they are out there if I was interested. The best part about podcasting is that its free. Free is always better. I like how the school have podcast of the classrooms. And I am super excited that South is moving in that direction. Of course we are no where close to some schools, but it's a start.
More into the practical applications of podcasting. Podcasting is a great way for students to learn without going to class. This is awesome for college students, because most of them don't show up for class. Image that if college students didn't have to worry about waking up for an 8:00 class. They just listen to a podcast at their own convenience instead. Now with younger students, if a student is sick and can't come to school, but oh no there is a text the next day. Well if the teacher podcast a study guide then no worries. If not someone probably failed.
As I said earlier I think podcast are a great idea. I will be making one soon and not just for class. My friend will have one and hopefully make one each month. If we can get some free time away from school that is. All in all podcasting is awesome. It's free has lots of helpful stuff and some stuff that is just nice to listen to.

iPhone 1 year old.
This is amazing. It's crazy that this child can do this. I will be ready to teach this child when I start teaching. Just think how tech savvy this child will be in the third grade or high school. I think this is awesome.


  1. You make some good points about podcasting. That was a good idea about college students using podcasting. Most of the time they do not come to class. Podcasting is a good way to learn rather than just teaching with paper and pencil.

  2. I liked your enthusiasm about podcasting, I think it's a great teaching tool. You made some interesting points.

  3. Oh James.... please correct those dreaded little "i's" before I see red ;) "And now that i have my new mac it will be so much easier to do." There are at least 4 little "i's, and numerous misspelled words and words used in the wrong context. Please proof read your post. "Imagen that if college students.." If you use Firefox, your misspelled words will be highlighted. Please correct your post.
