Sunday, March 7, 2010

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Wow, Where do I begin? Randy Pausch is my hero. He is more of a man then anyone I have ever meet. He is an amazing man. He has accomplished more things in his life then more people set out to do in their lifetime.

Lets start with his talk. His talk was about childhood dreams. We all had them, just most of us forgot them as we got older. He talks about his childhood dreams and that her accomplished all of them but one, playing in the NFL.

His ideas about school are amazing. He makes learning fun. And he uses what he calls head-fakes. And if learning is fun then students will normally go above and beyond what is expected of them.

How should I end this. I would love to meet Randy. Not because of the things he has done with VR, I don't really care about it that much. But because of his outlook on life. He hit so many brick walls, but he continued on his way. He has the BEST outlook on life!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I totally agree that it was amazing that he accomplished so many of his childhood dreams. I think he must have been an awesome teacher.
